Rust Blog
Removing Rust from a Gas Tank
Removing Rust from a Gas TankRust inside of a gas tank can cause damage to the fuel lines if it is left untreated. If you have rust inside your gas tank, it needs to be removed...but how?The first step is to make sure that your gas tank is empty of fuel. After it is empty, wash it out with water to remove any remaining gas/debris/flaked off rust.After the gas tank has been rinsed, it is time to fill it with Rust911. Rust911 Ultra-Concentrated Rust Remover needs to be diluted and then it
20th Sep 2018
Toxic Products
Products we use EVERYDAY are destroying the environment. Cosmetics, cleaning supplies and automotive chemicals are just a few categories in which consumers can find harsh products that are destroying our environment. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent each year on removing rust from tools, equipment, antiques and car parts. Most people use harsh chemicals or home remedies to try and strip rust from their rusty items. There is, however, an environmentally safe
17th Sep 2018
Rust911- Saves the Day and Some Money
Rust911- Saves the Day and Some MoneyA 2000 Honda Accord had a hood latch that did not work. The rust on it rendered it inoperable to a point that pry bars had to be used. I finally opened the hood without severe damage and looked at the latching mechanism. The rust was all over it, especially in the wire cable and spring areas. This is the picture of the 2000 Honda Accord latching mechanism before I called several auto shops in the area to see what it wou
10th Sep 2018
Rust Removal Techniques
Rust Removal TechniquesYou were working on a spring project in the yard, you finally got around to building your children a tree fort! Now, it is the end of summer and you are looking for your favorite wrench for another weekend project. After hours of searching the garage and shed, you turn to your wife and blame her for misplacing the wrench when one of your kids comes running up behind you with your wrench, saying they found it near their tree fort. The once shiny and immaculate wrench you
6th Sep 2018
Diluting the Concentrate is EASY!
Step-by-step Rust Removal With Rust911!Using 8 ounces of concentrate to make 1 gallon of solution
6th Sep 2018