Restoring Rusty Furniture

Restoring Rusty Furniture

Restoring Rusty Furniture

Before (left), After Rust911 (middle), After paint (right).

I have a small table that I leave outside all year.  The table had rust all over it and was an eyesore on my patio.  I had two choices; I could throw the table away and purchase a new one, or i could restore the table to its original glory.  I chose the second option because I have a secret weapon up my sleeve... Rust911 Rust Remover!

Before I could place this table in the rust remover, I rinsed it off with water to remove any loose dirt or debris.  After it was rinsed, I created a container using a sheet of plastic and items I had laying around in my garage.

Container I created with a plastic sheet and items around the garage.

To create the container, I placed items around my garage (2x4's, cans, tool box, paint cans, etc.) to create the perimeter of the container and then laid a plastic sheet over top to hold the solution.  This is a good option for items that are large or will not fit inside a bucket.  

The next step in this project was to place he table into the container and pour Rust911 rust removing solution in.  I used the concentrated solution which needs to be diluted before use (8 ounces of concentrate will make 1 gallon of diluted solution).  This project only required 2 gallons of diluted solution! The solution did not cover the entire table, which was okay because I flipped the table after the rust was removed off the first side.  By flipping the table, I was able to use less rust remover (although, it did increase the overall time of the project).

The table was removed from the solution and allowed the table to dry.  The table was now RUST FREE, but it still needed a little more work.

To protect this table from rusting again, I am going to apply a coat of paint.  Rust911 rust remover did an excellent job of removing all the rust from the table.  By letting the rust remover dry on the table, it creates one layerof protection against re-rusting but we are going to go one step further and paint the table to cover the bare metal.  This will make the table look better and create a protective coat between the bare metal and the environment. The key to painting metal is to make sure the metal is free of all contamination (oils, greases, rust, etc.).  Even if you remove all the contaminants except for the rust, the rust will continue to rust the metal under the paint and prematurely peel the paint coating off.  So, it is essential to remove the rust and get a clean metal surface before painting. 

After applying a few coats of paint, the table looks better than it did when I purchased it! Thanks, Rust911!!

31st Aug 2018

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